Saturday, December 8, 2012

School Bat Project

Hello World!

At school, my expedition is about bats and owls.
I am making my final product.
Me and my partner chose a bat called "The Hoary Bat" to make a probe on.
First we found our information and highlighted it.
Then we wrote the info down on paper.
Me and my partner stopped working together and did our own work.
I wrote the info on paper again.
Then I fixed my grammar and other mistakes.
I wrote the info on paper for one last time and fixed my mistakes from last time I tried.
Then I started trying to draw my bat.
I took my best one and figured out what to improve on it.
I used my advice and made a new one.
It was the best.
Then I made my border on my final paper.
It was leaf, ladybug, moth grasshopper.
I drew it with pencil, then I outlined it with black marker/sharpie, then I erased it, and then colored it an then-I colored it and final, I colored the background of it.
Then I glued my picture of  The Hoary Bat.

Rishab Won         Ic:

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