Monday, February 16, 2015

Speak.VBS Tricks


Today you will learn about a cool computer trick called speak! Windows has different code source files including VBS, Bat and so on... Note these tricks are ONLY available for Windows Computers
You can use these files like VBS for creating cool computer tricks. Here is one below!

       Dim Message, Speak
          Message=InputBox("Enter text","Speak")
          Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
          Speak.Speak Message

This code above is written using notepad. Try it! Try saving this code into notepad and press the save as button. Save it as blank.vbs. It doesn't have to be named blank but has to have .vbs at the end.

Once saved, go to your file explorer and find the .vbs file. Double click on it and a box should pop up. Type Whatever you want into it and you should be able to hear your computer talk!!! If you can't hear it make sure your computer's volume is turned on.

For more tricks on VBS look at the Computers page. 

Rishab Won (Jain) XD

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