Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Trip To Canada

    Hello everyone. For my summer vacation I came to Canada. We drove to Whistler. It was a long drive. We are staying at Crystal Lodge Hotel. It's in Whistler Village where the 2010 Olympics happened. When we got here, we went on a trail around the Lost Lake. After that we checked into our hotel. We went to our room and we rested. In our room thre was a balcony looking into the village with a great view. After that we went for a walk in Whistler Village. It was amazing. We saw lots of shops. After dinner we found a McDonalds and had a sundae with hot fudge. I was very tired after all the walking. We came to back to our hotel and slept.

    When we woke up we walked to The Whistler Gondola Station but it started raining very hard and we decided to come back. Then we drove to Vancouver and we stayed at a hotel called LaQuinta. After that we went to a nice Indian restaurant it was yummy. We came home and slept.

    When we woke up we when to have breakfast at our hotel. Then we went to explore Vancouver we went to the Suspension Bridge. There we went on a bridge above a rapid! It was really scary at first but then it was fine.  After that we went to a beach. There we found a huge cut down log it was really really old. I estimated the rings of it and it was about 600 years old! I climbed it and jumped it off it. 

    Then we went to Stanley Park. It had a lot of things in it for ex: A aquarium. Then we went to Granville there it was really fun. There was a water park a kids mart and in the kids mart there was a bunch of cool things my favorite area there was the prank /magic area. In there there was a test where you could squeeze disappearing ink ink on yourself! We came out of the kids mart and found a crystal store there were really cool and awesome crystals there! Then we went to the water park. There was really cool water machines there but we did not bring our swimming clothes 8U(   Then we went back to our hotel and slept.

The next morning we ate breakfast packed up and then left for home. When we came home my dad started saying sweet home sweet sweet home!

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