Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Tour Around Mt.Hood

Hello World!

Zigzag Falls, Kiwanis Camp, Oregon
On January 2nd 2013 I went to Mt. Hood! My trip began at Portland then we took a long drive to the city of Gresham. At Gresham we went to get some snacks for the long ride ahead of us. We got cookies, Popcorn, Gum, Chips and we got chains for the snow so that our car would not slip. Then we went to the city of Sandy. We started to see a little bit of snow! As we got closer to Mt.Hood, it looked like Mt. Hood was getting bigger as we were getting closer. My mom kept saying Mt.Hood looks like a giant ice cream scoop! Then the snow kept on getting heavier and higher. I was so excited to see the snow, that I asked my dad to pull over and let us play for a little bit. We pulled over near a school and we went outside to play in the snow. But the snow was very icy. We got back in our car and continued to go to Mt. Hood. We decided to go to a place called "Zigzag Falls". We stopped and played in the snow at "Kiwanis Camp" because the road ahead was icy and slippery on the way to "Zigzag Falls". We played in the snow and also went tobogganing on the road! Then my brother tried to climb the hill and he slid down on his back.  We got back in our car and ate sandwiches and got warmed up with the car heater. Then we went to the Ski Bowl. If you want to go tobogganing, this is a wonderful place for tobogganing, skiing and playing in the snow! After that we found a good place to play in the snow. It was called "White River Snow park". There I built a snow cave and went sledding few times. It was really fun. Also there I was trying to build a snowman but the ice and the snow were not sticky. It started to get dark and we decided to go back home. I was tired and cold but was very very happy!! We were on our way home when me and my brother started betting what temperature it was going to be at home in Portland! My guess was closer when we reached home in Portland by 1 degree - temperature was 31 degrees! This was a awesome trip!

Check out more of my trips to different places

RishabWon :?


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