Friday, March 22, 2013

My Final Product

Hello World!!!!:0

In my classroom we made a final product drawing on a topic.
First we chose partners.
Then we got our topic.
Mine was "The brain is the most important part of your nervous system".
We started our first draft drawing.
Then we did our second with some improvements.
Then we made a third draft.
On the third draft we played a reviewing game called 4 corners.
In 4 corners we gave our drafts to someone else and the person wrote ways on paper on how to improve it.
The person I gave my draft to said I should color a little bit better in the lines.
Then we made a 4th draft and improve our final copy from our suggestion.
I colored better in the lines and finished.
At the end it was perfect and just the way I wanted it.
We glued our final copy on a piece of construction paper.
Then we read our fact and our teacher took a video of it.
Then our teacher put all of our recordings into a short movie.
Finally we shared the movie at our school's "All School Gathering".

Rishab Won   (:cF)

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