Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Fun Time At Earth Camp!

Hello World!

For the last 4 weeks of school, I had a fun time at Earth Camp in my 2nd grade classroom at Springville school! I'm going to tell you all about my adventurous study at Earth Camp. We had lots of fun learning about the Earth, Moon, Magnets & Seasons.

First I got to choose my nickname for the camp. Mine was Harry Potter. We made tree cookies which are little circular pieces of wood which we decorated with sharpies and
My tree cookie
markers! Then we started our study about the Earth by reading books about the Earth and recording the facts. Next we started learning about the Moon by reading books about The Moon, making a observation Moon book and making an Moon Model.

After that we learned about compasses by making a real life working compass.Then we learned about Magnets and maps by working at four stations with fun activities about magnets, and then we made our own map! After that we learned about Seasons by painting trees with the color of the leaves on each tree, and recording characteristics about the Seasons. After That we studied our last investigation about Engineering design by making a real working boat out of clay! Then we had lots of fun by singing songs, making and eating s'mores sitting in tents and playing board games!

So overall I had a great time at Earth Camp, and I am looking forward to go real camping with my family!
Stay Tuned in for my New post that is coming out soon about camping.
Signing out

Rishab  Won * *

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