Sunday, July 21, 2013

Camping At Emigrant Springs

Hello World!

I'm going to tell you about my fun camping trip at Emigrant Springs State Park!

Before I started this journey I decided that it would be nice to leave a surprise for myself when I got back, so I wrote a note to myself telling me to look in the freezer where I had put a small water sculpture that would freeze by the time I came back. The adventure then began!

Multnomah Falls
I started my journey at Portland, Oregon from my house, and we drove for about an hour, and stopped at Multnomah Falls to check out the wonderful place. There we walked a bit and saw the falls!
 We still had a bit of time so we went up to the top, to the bridge, and saw the falls from up close. We could even feel a little of the waterfall's water! We went back to our car and continued our journey to Emigrant Springs. After sometime we drove a little more and we started to see windmills along the way! When we finally reached near camp in Pendleton, we saw a Google Data Center! At the Google Data Center we saw a bunch of circuits and wires. Next we stopped to get an ice cream. We got my favorite flavor "Cookie
Dough"! Then we continued on the way, and we stopped to see a view point that looked very nice. Finally we reached at Emigrant Springs State Park after 300 miles / 4 hours and unpacked our stuff in our cabin, C1, in the C loop. After that, I greeted my friends and we started looking around camp. Next, we had dinner which was Pulav, a rice mixed with vegetables and plain yogurt! After that my friends and I helped the adults set up the fire by collecting kindling. When we set up the fire, my friends and I went back to my cabin / C1 and played Uno (the card game)! After we finished our game of cards, we went back to the campfire and we got to make s'mores and eat them! Next we had a talk about dwarf planets, planets, and the universe. Lastly we went to sleep in our cabin, with excitement about the next day.

A Game of Cricket
 On the next day we woke up and went outside to take a shower. After we took the shower we went back to our cabin loop and ate breakfast, which was bagels. Next we started to play cricket, a sport where someone bowls the ball, to the batter and the defense team, also known as the bowler's team, tries to catch the ball and throw the ball at the wickets, but if the ball goes past a certain boundary then the batter's team
gets a 6 or a 4. If the ball does not go past the boundary for the 4 or the 6, then the two batter's run to the pitcher's line and back as many times as they can before the pitcher's team hits a wicket with the ball. If the batter does not want to run, he or she does not have to. After that we ate lunch, which was sandwiches and my friends and I played a more cricket. Then we went Geo Caching to a virtual Geo Cache called "Snoopers". Geocaching is a virtual treasure hunt in which people hide caches and other people find them. You go on their website,, where you can find coordinates to over 2,000,000 Geo Caches around the world.

Snoopers Geocache
When we finally found it, it was a card board snoopy dog on a mini metal shed. When we walked back to Camp, most people were tired so only my brother, my mom, my dad, my brother's friend, and I went to find another Geo Cache called "Red Rock Road". There we searched around and we couldn't find it, but it was really fun searching for it. When we came back everyone was playing a game called Pithoo Garam where you take a ball and throw it at the structure and if you do you're supposed to fix it before someone throws the ball at you, but you and you're team can block the hit by hitting it with their fist. After we were done with Pithoo Garam we ate dinner which was pav bhaji. We had Campfire and this time my brother and I performed skits and songs with some of our friends. These were the songs and skits: Mosquitoes, Peanut butter and Jelly, Quickest shooter of the West, The Rain Dance and the Titanic. Finally when we were done with campfire we went back to our cabin and we fell asleep.

The next morning when we woke up we decided to try to play as much as possible, because we had to leave the next day. We started to play cricket and then we had breakfast and we started to play cricket again! Then we went to Pendelton to explore around. In Pendelton we went to a museum where we learned about The Native Americans. There we learned about a hunting tool they used called "Atl Atl". We also learned
about their toys. After that we had lunch at a picnic table, and continued on to our next site "The Water
Park"! When we reached there most people wanted to go back to their cabins and eat dinner so went with the majority. When we reached back we played cricket for a while, ate dinner, and started campfire. When we decided to kill the fire, we went back to our cabins and fell asleep.

A beautiful view of the Plains

The next day was all about packing up. When we woke up we went outside to eat breakfast and after we were done we played some cricket, and then we started campfire because we wanted to have one last one.

When we decided to start our journey back we killed the fire and started driving back. When we finally reached back I remembered my note that I left myself to look in the freezer, and I found the mini sculpture I made before going! Overall, this trip was the best camping trip I have ever been to. I am going to remember this trip forever...

Rishab Won     <____>

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