Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby

Hello World!!

    ZOOM! ZOOM! Today I want to tell you about my Pinewood Derby Race from Cub Scouts. Pinewood derby is a racing event for Cub scouts where we build our own cars starting with a wood block. This was a really great experience and I had a really fun time, but before I could race I had to make my car.

    I designed my car's shape on the Porche 918 Spyder. It looked cool, fast and stylish.And I hoped it will go as fast as a Porche! I went to a derby clinic which my pack held. First I drew a picture of my design on a piece of paper. Then I glued it on the pinewood block for the helpers to cut. Once my block was cut, I looked at it and I got it exactly the way I wanted it!

    The next part of the clinic was the sanding area. I sanded the front of my car so it was smooth. After that, I used one of their machines to sand the the seats of my car. It was so exciting to use the machine myself. Then we drilled holes using a machine for the the axles. I had to push down a lever to make the holes.
My dad was so surprised to see me operate a drill press.

    Next I sanded the axles to make them smooth so they would make less friction. First we put the axle in a power drill. Next we took a filer and filed the ridges on the axles. After that we used sanding paper #4 to smooth the axle. We repeated the same step but then with sanding paper #6. We repeated these steps for all 4 axles.

   The next part we did was to smooth the wheels. The wheels were already pretty smooth when we got them but we needed to make the wheels smoother. First we put the wheel in power drill. I turned the drill on and sanded all of the wheels until they were smooth. Finally I was all done! The last part of the clinic was to weigh it and get weights.

    With all the wheels, axles and my car my car weighed 4.28 ounces. I needed the car to be 5.00 ounces or less but we read that exactly 5.00 oz was better so we got weights so it would weigh 4.92 ounces.
Now after a couple of hours, I was ready to put my car together! 

    I decided that I would paint it red with a white stripe in the middle. First I painted it red and waited for it to dry. Next I painted a white stripe in the middle. I waited for it to dry and now I was almost ready for the race. To put the wheels on I took my wheels and axles and put them together. Then I conducted a experiment where I wanted figure out what liquid would make my wheels go faster. First I tried it normally it ran for about 4.3 seconds. Next I tried petroleum jelly. The petroleum jelly ran for only 3.7 seconds! It slowed down because it was sticky and created friction. Then we tested the coconut oil and it ran to 5.2 seconds. The last thing we were going to test was vegetable oil. The vegetable oil ran for 6.3 seconds! Now I could finish my car!

    Now that I figured out that vegetable oil would make my car go faster, I could add the wheels. Next I asked my dad to help me hammer the wheels in. I placed the wheels in and then my dad hammered them in. Then I tested my car by rolling it on a counter. My car still had some hammering to do so my dad helped to get everything perfect.  Next I needed to put the weights. The weights were easy because all I had to do is stick them on! Now after days of work, and careful planning I was ready for my race!

My red car is named Ferrari Berinetta - the fastest car in the world!

    My race was at my school, Springville Elementary. When I reached there I noticed that they had powdered graphite! I did not actually need the vegetable oil. I got two badges for the race and for an airplane derby that we did the other day. We got a ribbon where we put our stickers that we got from getting 3rd 2nd or 1st in each race. The first couple of races I got second! I was so excited. The next races I got more 2nd and 2 firsts! At the end of racing I looked at my score and I discovered that getting second was not good enough. After that I got a certificate and a cool ribbon! Then at the end everybody got cake, fruit and other yummy snacks! Next year when I make my car I will make a better shape, sanding the axles better, polishing the wheels and place the weights at better spots. Overall I was still really happy that my car looked cool, and making the car was a really, really fun thing to do.

Signing out,

Rishab Won

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