Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fun Hike At Angels Rest

Hello Everyone,
 I would like to tell you about my hike at Angels Rest on November 23. Enjoy!
Starting Sign Board
Starting Sign Board

I asked my brother who is a boy scout on how to prepare for the hike and he advised to bring some energy boosting food, Clothes depending on the weather and a First Aid kit. We brought healthy food like trail mix, fruit and energy bars, a First Aid Kit and warm clothes because it was only 38 degrees Fahrenheit. My family left from Portland and it took us about 45 minutes to get there and it was a lot colder and windier but we were fine because we prepared.We hiked up and started to see some frozen ice! We kept going and saw the Bridal Veil Falls! As we went up it got more windy and colder but we also saw the river that made the falls and icicles there! We hiked about 1.7 miles which was about half the way and it got so windy that my scarf almost fell off! When we reached 2 miles we decided to take a break to eat but, the food container and my dads cap flew into a tree! We used a stick and got the container back but, we could not get my dads cap.
Columbia Gorge River
Columbia Gorge River
We decided not to eat there and decided to hike upwards. When we were almost there we aborted the mission because the winds had reached 35 miles and we were hungry. So we sat down on a rock covered by a boulder because there was no wind. We ate our food and went back down. After 4.6 miles of hiking, my family and I were tired. I really enjoyed this adventurous hike and I hope I can do more. If you are a hiker make sure to put this hike as number 1 because it is very gorgeous and beautiful if it is good weather!

To see more Hiking, Camping and Trip posts visit:   More Hikes Camping and Trips

Signing out Rishab Won   # )

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