Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ape Cave and Multiple fun Hikes

Hello World!!!!

Ape Cave
The Ape Cave and its entrance
    Over the summer, I have been going on some fun hikes. This time I went to the Ape Caves. The Ape Caves is a big lava tube coming from Mt. Saint Helens. In fact, this lava tube is the longest one in the entire United States of America and the third longest one in North America! It is 13,042 feet (3,975 meters) This lava tube was formed by Mt. Saint Helen's lava stream that went underground.The lava formed a path underground and the lava streamed out while it left a big cave like tunnel. The cave was discovered in 1951, when Lawrence Johnson found a tree that looked weird. After looking at the tree he discovered that it lead to a lava tube. A couple days later, he brought Harry Reese and his family for further exploration. Harry Reese went in the cave and looked at the place and it's characteristics. He was the first person who explored the tube from inside. Then some explorations took place by some members of the Mount St. Helen's Apes (a Boy Scout Troop). 
lava rock
A lava rock that I found with some crystals

    I found some really cool pieces of lava rock with calcite growing inside them!!! When lava reaches the surface, it begins to cool.  The lava turning into rock, occurs because of the of minerals from chemicals (iron, silicon and oxygen) in the lava. The lava will turn from a liquid to either natural glass, or into a rock, depending on the speed when it cools. There was also some stalactite forming in layers. Stalactite forms when water with minerals falls from the ceiling drips down, and doesn't fall off. It then crystallizes into stalactite and the chain keeps going until there is hundreds of stalactite rocks hanging from the ceiling. 

Trail from Upper Cave
The trail that returns you from the
Upper Cave
 To enter the tube we parked at the parking lot, picked up the stub at the front near the restrooms and entered the cave. Inside The Caves, there is a lower path and a upper path. The lower path is just a simple walk that anyone could do! It gets a little chilly at 42 degrees so bring gloves and 2-3 layers of clothing. This is 1 mile (1.6 k) to go and 1 mile (1.6 k) to come back. The upper cave is longer at 2.7 miles where you don't go back. Keep going until you get to the returning path. In the upper cave, you will have to climb and crawl over rocks and very narrow passage ways. 

The Trail of Two Forests
The crawl at
The Trail of two Forests!!!
    Near the Ape Cave parking lot, there is a hike called Trail of Two Forests. It is a loop so it is only 0.8 miles (1.28 kilometers). We decided to go for that hike too! There is a wood board walk that wraps around to view the forest. At the beginning we walked for a while, and looked at big holes and tubes, where lava and trees used to sit there. Then there is a part called "the crawl". "The crawl" is a mini lava tube that you can go inside of. You should bring a flashlight or any light source so you can see. There is a ladder that you have to climb down. Next you will see two paths. One with a light, one without a light. The one that your supposed to follow is the one with the light, or the right side which brings you to the exit. Be careful of the lava tube's top. It has many curves that you may bump into. I bumped my back on one part and it hurt. And if you start to get claustrophobic keep going! 

After that, I went to The Lava Canyon Hike. There is a wobbly suspension bridge, and a cool steel bridge.            
Cool Bridges Mt St HelensThe Lava Canyon Hike is 2.8 miles long (4.5 kilometers) and a little challenging. When I went across the suspension bridge, I just did not think about it being scary. I just continued on without thinking that I would fall. It wobbles a lot and that is probably the most scary thing. Once you finish the suspension bridge, there is a cool steel bridge. You can see a big lava rock and the beautiful river.
Overall these hikes and trip was very fun and you should come to the area near the Ape Caves and explore these old, amazing ruins of Mt. St Helens.  Good luck awesome hikers!!

Rishab Won-   ~~

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