Saturday, March 28, 2015

Pinewood Derby 2015

Hi everyone!

     Today I am going to tell you about my 2015 Pinewood Derby experience. Last year was my first year and I did okay but was hoping for more. I got really determined to win and this year I did! Pinewood Derby is a car race where you get to craft your own car made out of pine wood. You add wheels, paint and try to make your car to go as fast as possible.

     I painted my car red and made a aerodynamic design. I smoothened the axles as much as possible so there would be less friction on the wheels and the car would not slow down. This year everyone was ranked by speed. At the beginning I did not know this and I was always against hard people and I never had gotten 1st place! I saw my speed and it was fast but I didn't think it was important.

     At the award ceremony, I got second in my den! I got a cool trophy. From this and last year's experience, I was going to make a really good car for next year that would win me 1st in the pack including everyone!

     If you want to build your own car, get a wooden block from a store like Michaels. Michaels has one meant for pinewood derby that includes stickers, axles and wheels. Next make your plan on how you are going to build your car. Will it be straight? Will it be like a delorean from back to the future? Or will it be a cool, fast ferrari? Cut your car out of the wood and paint it however you like. Look in the bottom of your car to see if there is a cut part to put in axles. If there is not, create your own with a drill. Put in the axles with the wheels on top.

If you want your car to be REALLY fast, try these tips:
     Measure the weight of your car. Make it as close as you can to 5 ounces. If it is not, either reduce weight by cutting holes at the bottom or add weight by metal beads, bolts or nuts. Add graphite or oils to the axles to make it spin faster. And Lastly, test drive to see if something is going wrong or isn't working.

Rishab Won


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